Hi, thanks for visiting a for architecture, we give a $#!@ for architecture so we have this website, feel free to look around at your leisure.  The website started out as a collection of architectural projects, both academic and professional, then we added a blog to share our thoughts about architecture in general and let the web know what we were up to.  We have been hard at work all these years, since about 2001 (wow that was a long time ago) but haven’t always been keeping up with the website.  We put out a children’s book, which you can purchase if you want here (shameless plug), if you know us personally you could probably get one for free.  There are other projects that border architecture but may not be considered architecture by many.  These include a collection of haiku inspired by or inspiring to architecture, a collection of quotes from architects or related to the built environment (follow #quoteforarchitecture on twitter), a summary of the UN Sustainability Development Goals geared towards architects and architecture, a list of 10-steps of sustainable decision making (work in progress), and some fun art type projects. This website has taken on a number of different forms and this is the most recent one, welcome again.  Much of the content has been edited down as we have become more concerned with promoting architecture, awareness, education, and dialogue as we believe that the more people who are engaged the better our world will be.  If you have made it this far you must give a for architecture too, that’s great!  Please look around, let us know what you think and how you will be an ally for architecture 

image: skyline sketch in red
