
Showtime is an pavilion / installation with the goal of activating street life and elevating the quality of public space. 

with a large fabric screen broadcasting activities within (live, delayed, or recorded) Showtime allows passersby to WATCH what is happening inside.  from across the street, across the city, or even across the world, see your fellow city dweller on the big screen.  sensors, cameras, and projectors give you a glimpse of what is happening within Showtime, in your city and other Showtime locations around the globe. 

all the activity that you watch may encourage you to head inside yourself.  maybe you will just PASS THROUGH, but you will still be a part of the show.  not only with the cutout at the bottom of the screen reveal your presence (at least your lower quarter), your activities will be captured by sensors and cameras and your movement shared with those watching from outside. 

if you are bold enough, maybe you will ENGAGE with Showtime.  patterns on the pavement within Showtime, customized for each location, guide your movement; learn a dance routine, take a walk through history, pause and interact with someone else who has chosen to engage.  the patterns imprinted on the pavement within Showtime encourage you to interact, even if just for a brief moment, with a friend, or stranger, and even learn, or teach, something new.  just like the pass through section, when you engage your movements are captured and shared with those watching the big screen.  if you're the only one engaging, Showtime with sense this and give you center stage. 

if you are too busy to engage, watch, or even pass through, or maybe you do not want the spotlight that Showtime offers, you can just PASS BY.  you will still have the opportunity to benefit with a wall that offers a public benefit, interesting information, public art, local history, or a public service announcement. 

Showtime seeks to engage the public, whether on holiday or their daily routine.  participate as much as you like, be the audience, the performer, or both.  you choose to maintain your pace and just look up to check it out, or slow down to experience all is has to offer.  Showtime gives every person the opportunity to be a star.  Showtime can be used passively, to people watch at a large scale, for street performers to broaden their audience, or even protesters to share their message.  surveillance has never been so much fun.